let me tell you guys one thing....i am terribly BUSY!!!!!!..., so kalau tak muncul lama tu maknanya memang tengah bersilat dengan kerja yang bertimbun ni..kejap jadik designer baju, kejap jadik tukang buat rumah, kejap buat kerja kahwin...macam-macam!
Jadi untuk tidak mengeciwakan para pembaca..so i leave behind some feast to your eyes. Dua buah majalah dekor yang ada rumah i (untuk mereka yang tak sempat saya jemput ke rumah untuk berhari raya..jadilah belilah majalah2 sambil berangan anda berada di rumah saya sambil makan kuih2 raya). Cepat! they might run out of copies..maklumlah.
Secondly.., video highlights from the recent fashion show (pun untuk mereka yang tak terjemput jugak). So enjoy guys!!
I nak pergi sambung buat kerja.

p/s: relevan ke lagi pertandingan ratu cantik pada abad sekarang?? (tiba-tiba statement camtu).
oh, thanks for the vid. well atleast i can berangan watching ur runway live.haha, hopefully one day it gonna be real-LIVE. yup,love d collection, rizalman is always d fabulous!
fuhh lega...dapat tgk word sikit pun dah rasa sangat lega..magazine dah 10x baca dah dey..huhuhu slamt ari raya..:)
Selamat Hari Raya... :)
awesome :)
Siap letak harge skali? Baguih2.
kalo la bleh wt umah sy cmni....pergh.....untung nyer badan...
Nice hse deco... tgk front page pun da tau mmg tak perlu dipertikaikan. u bikin rumah org pun dah lawa, apa lagi rmh sendiri kan?
Pertandingan Ratu Cantik? hmmm... for those yang still has pure figura tu ok la kot. ramai sgt yg cocok, operate sana sini. tatau tang mana relevant cantiknya manusia sekarang neh. budak 5 tahun pun mak dia dah cocok botox ok! haihs...
i love the mirrors that you designed! you are right, this is better than no post at all!
p/s: nak imagine ada biskut raya apa rumah tauke ni...:)
oklahh~~untuk lepas kempunan kan. ;P
khelassss!!!! walau xmenang contest mulut celupar ritu...kalu idak akulah yg tgh tgk...nyampah!
melettsss fashion show uols...bravooo
beyond professional...
beyond professional...
Super gorgeous crib, I like!
u are legend.
briliant design.
1 dlm sejuta
cantiknya rumah
Hi Rizalman! Nice house! Nice colour hues! Btw, when are u going to launch your furniture line? Looking forward for it!
Hi Rizalman! Nice house! Nice colour hues! Bila nak launch your furniture line? I look forward for it.
dah lame sangat tunggu post terbaru abg rizalman..and now this it!!!
wah! adele- someone like you lagi... kerlass
hope suatu ari nnt dpt pkai bju rizalman... ~amin~....
hope suatu ari nnt dpt pkai dbuat rizalman...amin...
'She is the best designer'?
Wow, epic fail. RIzalman clearly is a man, lol!
speechlesss..... kagummmm
lagu adele lagi.....tetiba overwhelming...
waaaa..even I cant be there..at least I can see ur video....Mmg Fabulous!!!Keep up ur good job...!!!!! I dunno la when I can afford to buy one of ur design...ALL in all..it just simple AWESOME!!!
Congrats on ur new house.. ^^
Poor models, they look scared if they screw up. No wonder some of them commit suicide. So much bitchiness in the industry from make up artists, hair dresser, choreographer, designers and other models. Not to mention GATAL v.i.p.s. I am glad I told my sister not to be a model and she followed my advice
terkulat-kulat tgk rumah cantik macam ni....
jumpa lagi dlm mimpi
Assalamualaikum En Rizalman,
Agak2 boleh tak minta permission pergi ke kedai you tapi nak tengok2 je decor and your beautiful dresses? Don't get me wrong tapi saya mmg sgt2 meminati En Rizalman yg talented ni (you're a god's gift!). Don't worry because I am an environmental consultant. langsung tak pandai nak meniru apa2 baju ke decor ke. tapi yelah.. nak minta permission dulu la since klu i pergi ke kedai you pun nak tengok2 je. nak beli tak mampu tapi manalah tahu kan rezeki, insyallah. I hope you will make my dream come true.
Insyallah, amin.
Assalamualaikum En Rizalman,
Agak2 boleh tak minta permission pergi ke kedai you tapi nak tengok2 je decor and your beautiful dresses? Don't get me wrong tapi saya mmg sgt2 meminati En Rizalman yg talented ni (you're a god's gift!). Don't worry because I am an environmental consultant. langsung tak pandai nak meniru apa2 baju ke decor ke. tapi yelah.. nak minta permission dulu la since klu i pergi ke kedai you pun nak tengok2 je. nak beli tak mampu tapi manalah tahu kan rezeki, insyallah. I hope you will make my dream come true.
Insyallah, amin.
wow!! the video left me speechless.... nicely done!!! good work RI.
salute ngan u... turvideo kellaaasss!!!
Owh, dah beli dua2 magz tu. Mmg cantik betul dekor... what a great inspiration. :)
got bahulu on the table. i loike!
OMG..curlasst ok!
saya tonton astana last 2 weeks kot, rumah rizalman memang cantikkkk sgt2... bilik umar pun cantikkk sangat2. semuanya macam dalam hotel. ehh hotel pun kalah tauu!!! berangan2 la nanti nak deco macam rumah rizalman. tapi kena kirai2 dulu daun2 utk jadi duit kalau boleh. hehehehehheheheheh.. eh paling sukee kitchen kabinet. Khellasss!! heee
nice pad rizal...u do have the magic touch.
bz sangat ke..senyap aje lately.hows life anyway and kudos on your fashion show.
To Rizalman Ibrahim..
Assalamualaikum,as im a new comer in your fabulousity blog ,i was inspiring by your dedication towards fashion ( of course..your great passion).that was a piece of amazing work!!.. semoga terus maju dan u deserve it..looking forward for your new entry ;)
speechless...its rizalman anyway
These are so perfect, I wish I could make my room as beautiful as these!
Click here for Eco drive watch
i like the orange orked..! ;) ulang ulang baper kali dah baca nih
Lama gila kena tinggal....
You leave us too long
nice houuuuse...inspired!!!!
Salam Rizalmam. I've always been a fan of yours. You actually did my wedding dress...& that was like 13 years ago (oh God...I'm old!). Love, love, love your home... amazing sense of style. Anyways, I adore your carpet...yang ada border hitam tu. kat mana I boleh cari carpet macam tu ye. i think it would look good at my new house. realy berkenan la. hope you can help me cos I dah mencari merata tapi tak jumpa. Thanks!!
oh dear, tuan rumah is still living in the year 2011 :p
rizalman memerlukan post anda, kembalilah post your inspiring entry. Rasa macam makan kuih seri muka tanpa warna hijau tu bila pi blog ni tak update. :(
thanksss.. :)
bila nak update ni bro?
lawonya rumah baru.. :)
alamak tak perasan plak or google nama anak hampir sama Umair Na'el gheeee..btw slm tgk rumah cantek ni dlm astana...what a dream house!suke sgt2..inspired
Hello RI first time baca blog u, sgt bagus dan kelakar. Dan I amat meminati hasil seni dan karya dari RI. Memang masterpiece! Sentiasa menyimpan hasrat satu hari nanti mahu gunakan khidmat RI untuk buat wedding dress saya. Kenalah kumpul duit dan Insyaallah semoga impian saya termakbul.
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